Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Save the Date!

Open Day At Hopewood
You are invited to an Open Day in The Pavilion at Hopewood Country House
201 Centennial Road, Bowral, Southern Highlands
August 20-21, 2011 - 10am to 5pm

Suzie Anderson is pleased to announce the next Open Day for French & Country.  Over the weekend of August 20-21, Suzie will be featuring French homewares, imported and local fashion and vintage treasures.  These special showings have become very popular with regular customers who love the festive atmosphere and garden setting.

Suzie welcomes you to explore the Estate's gardens, take time out for light refreshments in the Pavilion Cafe and share a relaxing day out with friends browsing through her latest shipments.

This will be a fabulous couple of days.   
Suzie has an incredible eye for detail and sources the most wonderful items from all over the world.

I've saved the date!

P: 0411448817


  1. I will be there 'bien sur'
    bee x

  2. So bummed I will be in the US, although not that bummed that I'd come back early! By the way, love the stuff from Xavier Furniture you suggested. Lots of goodies for later on!

  3. Looks gorgeous.. have a great time.. & post heaps of pics! x

